• Q&A: The keys to violence in Chile

Unthinkable until a few weeks ago and exactly two months after the start of the social insurrection that changed the face of the country, Chile approved this Wednesday the call for a constitutional process that will take place during much of next year.

After more than seven hours of debate at the headquarters of the Congress in Valparaíso , the Chamber of Deputies approved the call to a constituent plebiscite by 127 votes in favor, 18 against and five abstentions . Thus, Chileans will vote on April 26, 2020. The rules of the two mechanisms planned to shape the new Fundamental Charter were also approved: a mixed constitutional convention, made up of specially elected parliamentarians and citizens, and another with all its members elected by popular vote.

There will also be, in principle in October, a plebiscite that must ratify the new Cosntitución . The decision approved by the deputies now goes to the Senate, where it is estimated that there will be no difficulties for its formation.

Part of the opposition criticized the refusal to approve transitory articles that establish gender parity, seats reserved for indigenous peoples and the incorporation of independents. "This implies not recognizing the real Chile," they claimed. "The macho lobby was imposed," said opposition deputy Gael Yeomans .

Sebastián Sichel , Minister of Social Development, asked to look at what was decided today with a perspective - "we know that what we have done is important, but not enough" - and said that the government will promote the maximum possible popular participation to create a new Constitution to replace to the years of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet : "The goal is to have more than 10,000 self-convened dialogues, this involves 100,000 people. We seek the greatest possible territorial extension and take advantage of the suggestions in the reform process initiated by the president (Michelle ) Bachelet . "

In an article published on Wednesday in 'The New York Times', President Sebastián Piñera , whose popular approval rating is only 13%, was optimistic: "This social protest became a great opportunity to build a new future for Chile".

The protest of students for the increase in the price of metro tickets derived from October 18 in a social protest never seen in the 30 years of Chilean democracy. Piñera reacted by imposing the state of emergency and giving the military control of the streets. The balance of the protests is 33 dead, thousands injured and serious allegations of human rights violations in the procedures of the Chilean security forces. After initially resisting the constitutional reform, the center-right coalition led by Piñera decided to accompany and promote the process.

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  • Chile
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