
December 17, 2019The government has collected confidence in the Senate on the tax decree with 166 votes in favor, 122 votes against. The provision, approved without modification after the first reading of the Chamber, becomes law.

The tax bill, armored in the passage to the Chamber, has changed in the race several times: in fact, the postponement of the application of the "Brush-crackers" to political foundations is skipped, while the norm on the new family-owned RC is changed.

Here are the main new features of the text:

There will be no postponement - previously fixed at 2021 - of the entry into force of the provisions on the equalization of parties and foundations for transparency and reporting, applying the 'Brushbreaking'. A stop that comes after the clash in the majority with Italia Viva, which had voted against postponing the Sunday night marathon in committee, while the Pd, M5S and LeU vote went in favor. Luigi Di Maio had spoken of "filth" and asked to remove the change, with the consent of the Democratic Party.

The attribution of the most favorable class of merit for motor liability compared to vehicles owned in the family may be requested at the time of renewal of the policy.

The speakers have filed a proposal to modify the stamp of leased cars, which provides for the payment of the tax in the Regions where the vehicles are used, and no longer in those in which the companies have their headquarters.

The deadline for the presentation of the 730 model is shifted from July 23 to September 30, but the expansion of the tax payers' audience is skipped, which can be used instead of the former Unico. The deadline for transmission of the unique certifications by tax substitutes is shifted from 7 to 16 March, and from the 15 April to 30 April the deadline for making taxpayers available for the pre-filled declaration. The deadline for the telematic transmission of the esterometer changes from monthly to quarterly.

Stop the fines for merchants who do not accept electronic payments, using the Pos slitta also, from 1 / January to 1 / July, the receipt lottery.

Vat down from 22 to 5% for compostable and biodegradable tampons and absorbents. After a long battle - and it is not even the first year that is being talked about - the amendment reduces the tax on feminine hygiene products but only on compostable, washable products and on cups.

The allowance of the mayors of very small municipalities is set at 85% of that of the municipalities up to 5 thousand inhabitants. Essentially, from July 2020, the first citizens of small towns up to three thousand inhabitants will have a salary of 1,400 euros.

180 million euros arrive to pay the extraordinary arrears of the State Police and Fire Brigade.

Incoming recruitments in the health sector: the personnel cost ceiling increases from 5 to 10% in the three-year period 2019-2021, with an additional allocation of around 200 million euros.

The ok to the moratorium until 6 March 2020 for those who have not installed the seats in anti-abandonment car. Furthermore, the budget foreseen in 2020 for the benefits in the form of tax credit rises from 1 to 5 million.

The 8x1000 at the school. An amendment by the speakers envisages the possibility of choosing between 5 types of intervention and finalizing it for restructuring, improvement, safety, seismic adaptation and energy efficiency of schools.