
16 December 2019The exclusive London villa of Tamara Ecclestone was robbed last Friday, a few hours after the departure for the 35-year-old daughter of magnate Bernie Ecclestone, the historic 'patron' of Formula 1: the blow, reports the tabloid " The Sun "earned 50 million pounds, about 60 million euros. The thieves targeted the heiress's £ 70m mega-residence, located in one of the capital's most elegant streets, despite the property - a 57-room villa in the Kensington neighborhood - being guarded 24 hours a day for 365 days a year.

The stroke lasted only 50 minutes and the Ecclestone, writes the tabloid, is "completely devastated and in shock". The thieves, three according to some witnesses, would have entered the villa from the garden and would have robbed all the safes hidden in Ecclestone's bedroom: they would then have been forced to flee so as not to be discovered by one of the security guards who was inside the home.

Tomorrow's front page: F1 heiress Tamara Ecclestone has £ 50million worth of jewelery stolen in 50 minutes

- The Sun (@TheSun) December 15, 2019