- We made a report in 2018, and the environments have not diminished in any case, if you are to believe the security police chief Klas Friberg. He was recently in the region and he said they are actually increasing. They have never been bigger than they are today. And that they do not decrease is problematic, especially after IS collapse, says Magnus Ranstorp.

Säpo's press officer confirms that these groups have never been larger than they are today, but it is difficult to say whether they have increased over the past year. What can be stated is that radical Islamism has risen sharply in Sweden over a ten-year period.

- Västra Götaland has been a bit of an epicenter, especially when it comes to those who have traveled to Syria and Iraq. About 100 people traveled. But it is not only those who have been in focus but also the ecosystem that exists here, says Magnus Ranstorp.

Several places in Västra Götaland

He mentions Gothenburg, Borås and Uddevalla as places where there are Salafist groups. It is a conservative form of Islam that is not violent in itself, but which can be a breeding ground for violent extremism. And in these groups there are often strong leaders.

- They are very charismatic, they are strong, they have a history, they also have strong ties among themselves. They go on lecture tours and attract young people in problematic environments, says Magnus Ranstorp.