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Nearly 200 women demonstrated in Istanbul to protest violence against women on December 15, 2019. REUTERS / Kemal Aslan

Sunday afternoon, nearly 200 women gathered in Istanbul to protest against violence against women at the call of a group of associations. Using the feminist hymn created in Chile, they translated the lyrics and imported the choreography. If a week earlier the police had suppressed a first demonstration, the activists insisted on dancing a second time this Sunday.

With our correspondent in Istanbul, Cerise Sudry-Le Dû

Purple gloves, glitter for some or a fluorescent knot in their hair, nearly 200 women danced on the Turkish translation of the song by the collective born in Chile to protest against violence against women.

To the sound of "the rapist is you", denouncing blind justice, no question for Benazir, 31, to sit idly by: " We live in a country where each year there are more than 400 women murdered. And the murderers are not sentenced or most of the time they get reduced sentences. So we live in a country where being a feminist is mandatory. "

Activists gathered last week on the Asian side of Istanbul. Six women were arrested. But no question of being discouraged, as this demonstrator confirms. " We have no other chance, our rights are increasingly in decline, " she said. If we don't fight for our rights, they won't let us leave our home! "

Activists have even received heavy political support: opposition MPs sang the song on Saturday in the hemicycle of the Turkish Parliament.