US Senate Ottoman Armenian killing "genocide" resolution December 13th 11:36

The Senate of the United States passed a resolution about 100 years ago in the Turkish Ottoman Empire to certify that a large number of Armenians were killed as "genocide". Turkey denies slaughter and the US-Turkey relationship could be further exacerbated.

This problem was caused by the fact that a large number of Armenian residents were killed in the Turkish Ottoman Empire about 100 years before the First World War, and Armenia claims that "more than 1.5 million people were slaughtered." In contrast, Turkey admits that many Armenians died in battle, but denies the view that it was a slaughter.

On this issue, the US Senate Senate passed unanimously the resolution to certify that it was a genocide.

The relationship between the United States and Turkey is jerky as Turkey plans to introduce Russia's state-of-the-art missile system, S400, etc., and the Trump administration has urged Congress not to recognize it as a "genocide" It is reported that.

However, in the parliament, in response to the fact that Turkey had invaded northern Syria in October and cooperated in the US anti-terrorism operations, they decided on military operations against the Kurdish forces. There is a strong opinion that we should face it rigorously, and the difference in position with the Trump administration is highlighted.

Turkey is quickly repelling the resolution, and the US-Turkey relationship could be even worse.