How far will concrete steps be taken to a hospital window for those over 75 years of age? 6:45 on December 14


The government and the ruling party agree that the burden of contact at hospitals etc. for people aged 75 and over is reconsidered with the “responsibility burden” system that demands the burden according to income. The focus will be on how far the interim report will go into concrete measures.

The government's review meeting for the realization of the all-generation social security system will be held next week, and an interim report will be compiled based on the content of previous discussions.

Among these, the government and the ruling party have a system based on the concept of “compliance burden” that demands a burden according to economic power such as income, etc. It is consistent by reviewing.

Within the government and ruling party, a plan to consider 20% burden for people with income above a certain level has been studied since 2022 when the so-called baby-boom generation begins to become 75 years old. . However, it has been pointed out that careful discussions are necessary to increase the burden on the elderly, and the focus will be on how far concrete measures can be taken in the interim report.

On the other hand, with regard to the introduction of the “fixed-payment system” that adds a fixed amount during outpatient visits, there are many opposing opinions from the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party that “suppress consultations”, and the clarification in the interim report is expected to be postponed is.