
December 12, 2019 Everything was ready. Calculated. They had also found an apartment to hold the victim. The attempt by a Carabinieri team of 11 people who were ready to kidnap a 40-year-old computer entrepreneur from Bologna was foiled by the Carabinieri. They wanted to extort at least 4 million euros from him to be transferred to foreign accounts in tax havens.

The evening before the "blow" to stop the group were the Carabinieri of Corsico, near Milan and Bologna. The arrests were made between the Lombard capital, Verona and Reggio Emilia. Eight of the detentions were carried out at the request of the Bologna-based prosecutor Roberto Ceroni, while the other three on the initiative of the military.

Everything starts with online scams
The investigation started with an investigation into computer frauds by the Milan prosecutor's office, which months ago seized some current accounts attributable to gang members. Hence the need for the group to get back the 'lost' money, at least 300 thousand euros. The idea of ​​the kidnapping comes from two Veronese, brother and sister, owners of some computer component companies, and from Reggio, a public bus driver, with small police records, to score the 'blow'.

The seizure was to take place yesterday in Milan
Between September and October the band studied the plan, making several surveys to identify the house of the kidnapping, setting an appointment with the entrepreneur for yesterday morning, in Milan, where he had to be kidnapped, and following him on his way from Bologna. It had to be taken by four Neapolitans, "laborers" defined by the Provincial Commander of the Carabinieri of Bologna, Pierluigi Solazzo. To contact them would have been the bus driver through the intermediation of another Neapolitan, "contiguous to the Camorra group Formicola". The members of the band were seized, bands, balaclavas, badges of security guards, a telescopic truncheon and even a taser, which was to torture the entrepreneur to force him to pay him from one to 4 million euros.

They also had a robbery
In addition to thwarting the kidnapping, the Carabinieri also carried out 6 pre-trial detention orders, two against the bus driver and another from Reggio, for a robbery committed in Modena in a slot room on 11 November. Also in this case the "dirty work" had been contracted to three Neapolitan convicts.