• Di Maio: excellent chance to avoid procedure. Salvini: but not at any cost
  • EU, Salvini: "Constraints help Berlin and Paris and screw everyone else"
  • Di Maio accelerates on the minimum wage, the OECD brakes: "It is no solution, 9 euros is a very high figure"


22 June 2019Exchange of distance courtesies between the Minister of Economic Development, Di Maio, and that of the Interior, Salvini.

In an audio collected during the assembly of the M5S in Terni and published by 'Fanpage', speaking of the electoral campaign for the Europeans, Di Maio makes a bitter bitter reflection with the militants of the Umbrian territory: "Many of you told me 'but how come that one (Matteo Salvini, ed) is in every town and you're never there? ". Then we discovered that he used state planes. I don't use them" and "if someone thinks we have to start doing the votes with that stuff there, then there we kill the Movement

In the same audio, then, Di Maio comments on the words spoken in recent days by Alessandro Di Battista. And it is not a positive comment: "I got pissed off these days when I heard this phrase 'bureaucrats in the ministries'", you hear in the file posted in the online newspaper. The reference is to a passage from the last book of the former deputy Cinquestelle, entitled 'Politically incorrect', in which he also gets angry with the deputy prime minister and the ministers of his movement.

Pd: on State flights Count explain in Parliament
The sentence on state flights does not go unnoticed and Roberto Morassut, the head of the national secretariat's Infrastructure secretary, says: "The Deputy Prime Minister Di Maio claims that the other Deputy Prime Minister Salvini has used state flights for his long electoral tour of the past few months in Italy Given the clear words of Di Maio, the Government and the President Conte have the duty to report to the Chambers and to clarify every single use of State flights by Minister Salvini and the other members of the executive " .

Salvini's invasion of the field
In the afternoon, Salvini had made a statement in which he bypassed his fellow vice-minister and Labor minister, Di Maio, commenting on the protest of the confederal unions. After the harsh words used by the unions in Reggio Calabria against the government's work on the policies for the South, Salvini addressed directly to CGIL, CISL and UIL and in particular to Maurizio Landini, general secretary of the CGIL: "By July I will invite the trade unions to the Interior Ministry, with other representatives of labor, commerce, business and agriculture to confront and reason together on the forthcoming economic maneuver. I will send Landini, who obviously does not know her, a copy of the autonomy proposal. finally, it will also bring merit and responsibility to the politicians of the South. I am sure that in one year this government has done more than the left-wing governments that preceded us for workers and temporary workers.With the flat tax for families, workers and businesses we will still do more".