The agreement with the bus company will not be extended after the turn of the year but instead the region will now evaluate the project, something that the Oskarshamns newspaper was the first to tell.

Few travelers chose the bus

The super bus line has been criticized for few and poorly planned departure times, and has had difficulty attracting travelers. The effort has so far cost the region between SEK 600,000 and 700,000, but regional councilor Peter Wretlund does not think it is money in the lake.

- We are most likely prepared to invest significantly more money than that, he says and continues:

- We already knew last summer that we would not conclude a new agreement until we thought of another time. Now we will involve Oskarshamn municipality, and look at what the needs look like in terms of departures and times and have it as a basis for new procurement.

"We can roll again for the summer"

Peter Wretlund is optimistic about the future of the bus line. He is convinced that the line can attract more business travelers if you put in an earlier departure, which means that you can arrive in Stockholm by 10 o'clock in the morning.

When can the traffic on this route be resumed?

- It's a little difficult to say, it depends on what we arrive at and how quickly we can get a basis but can think of everything from a quarter to a half year. By summer it should definitely roll again.