The elevation of the slope should make it possible to extend the slopes, create a further slope and get a higher fall height.

The construction will be paid for by the lining itself and the raising of the slope will be done by using residual masses from various buildings around Västerås.

- This is a step in the right direction, there is potential for the hill to be even better now, says Martin Landås operations manager, Vedbobacken.

Many authorities and administrations such as the Police Authority, the Land Surveying Authority, the Swedish Armed Forces and the Vafab Environment have had to make comments during the consultation period, but none of them have had any objections to the construction.

Private individuals have also been given the opportunity to comment. And some of them are worried about how the parking will work.

“There is a big problem with parking right now! and it will not get any better "" As it is now, it is chaotic every winter! and very dangerous! "