Author Thomas Friedman said that the most important act that Congress can do, after the declaration of war, is to isolate President Donald Trump, if American democracy is not to be deformed.

He explained - in an article for him in the New York Times - he believed that the president should not be removed except by a public vote, but when he heard Trump supporters screaming that the interrogation of him by Congress in order to isolate him violated the will of the people, he asks him and himself: does he not violate what Trump did with Ukrainian President will of the American people? Trump has plotted to use American taxpayers' money to banish his most powerful rival in the upcoming presidential election, Joe Biden, from his opponent instead of letting the people decide that?

He added that America's founders wanted to preserve the people's right to remove the president, but added that there may be situations that require protecting the same framework for conducting free and fair elections, and this framework is the constitution and the rule of law, and the state that America is currently undergoing is one of these cases.

Political chaos
And he continued to say that if, as the Republicans say, it is reported that what Trump has done to recruit a foreign force to tilt the elections in his favor is not a crime that can isolate him, this means a direct contradiction to what the founders wrote in the constitution. He asked: Can you imagine the amount of money that candidates can raise from Saudi Arabia or China to tilt the upcoming elections in their favor? Or how many fighting Internet editors can be recruited from Russia or Iran to spread fake news or suppress voting and stir up anger?

Democrats make conclusions in front of the Judicial Committee .. Do you lead to the isolation of Trump? (The island)

The integrity of the elections - Friedman says - will be eliminated, and America will never have a legitimate president, and political chaos will be resolved in it because any authority of any future president will not be respected given that his election will be done with the help of foreign intervention.

Putin's sarcasm
The writer said that he imagines that Russian President Vladimir Putin is saying to himself today, "I cannot believe my luck! Trump did not repeat theories of the conspiracy that I launched, but rather the entire Republican Party, without paying a penny! Who would have thought that the Americans would sell their constitution so easily?" My God, America is no different from Russia. "

He pointed out that if Congress was to do what the Republicans demanded - abandon Trump's isolation - after he refused to hand over any of the documents requested by Congress and prevented all of his key aides who knew what had happened from testifying, then it could be said that the president is above the law, and he is no longer America has three equal powers, and there is no separation between these powers. The American president is no less than a king with wide powers, and America, which students studied in the history class, and which the rest of the world admired as a beacon of democracy and justice, will not exist.

you stupid
However, Friedman said: Usually the president's approval rating rises in the polls when the economy improves, but what is happening in America now is that the economy is improving and the public support for Trump is decreasing, noting that the president tweeted last Friday, cheering, "It's the economy, you idiot."

The author replied to that tweet by saying, "Yes, it is the economy, you idiot when you do not have a president who violates the constitution, but if you look at the polls today as the economy improves, you will know that the Americans are telling you now that it is the constitution, idiot. We are not like you, Mr. Trump, we respect the values More than money. "