• PP.Casado proposes that Cs and Navarra Suma refrain from investing so that they do not depend on ERC
  • Vox.Abascal declares the "war" to the pact between Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias: "Total and frontal opposition"
  • We can. Churches cools the option of having an immediate government: "Much remains to be done"
  • Citizens. Arrimadas will call Pedro Sánchez to look at the center and seek an agreement with PP and Cs

A 48-hour express round in Zarzuela to confirm what was already known beforehand: the King, after listening to 18 representatives of political parties, has decided to propose Pedro Sánchez as a candidate for the Presidency of the Government. A somewhat blind proposal, since the socialist leader has been presented at the Palacio de la Zarzuela without the confirmed support to carry out an investiture.

We can only and their confluences have said a resounding yes to their endowment. The rest of the formations have made their support dependent on their claims being addressed. And, in any case, the investiture of Sánchez is, to this day, contingent upon ERC refraining. A negotiation that the socialists are still forging.

Although Sanchez's candidacy seems the only viable one today, it is a designation in a vacuum, as there is still no mattress, a network of guaranteed supports that ensures that there will be no failed investiture. The King, in recent months, and as recently noted by Meritxell Batet, president of the Congress of Deputies, is in favor of the establishment of a "stable" Government that endows the country and the democratic institutions of "stability."

Felipe VI has faced his eighth round of consultations in his five and a half years of reign -Don Juan Carlos starred in his almost four decades of reign-. And uncertainty has predominated in them. Gone is the custom of arriving in Zarzuela with closed supports to have the necessary majority in Congress. Sánchez now, like Mariano Rajoy in 2016, has come to the Royal Palace with the pretense of being a candidate, but without the confirmed numbers.

The King designates the socialist leader as a candidate, aware that if he moves forward with his roadmap he will form his Executive with the support of two political formations that deny the Crown and the figure of the King. In fact, ERC, as it has been doing recently, has not even attended this round of consultations.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • ERC
  • Philip VI
  • We can
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Meritxell Batet
  • Mariano Rajoy
  • Congress of Deputies
  • General elections

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