Fellow Fukuyama Secretary-General December 10 20:02

Fukuyama Secretary-General of the Constitutional Democratic Party says that there will be no deadline for responding to the call to join the National Democratic Party, etc. "It has been decided," he said, and expressed his desire to join early.

The President of the Constitutional Democratic Party called on the leaders of both the National Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Party to join the party last week in order to bring together opposition parties and create a party that can change government.

Concerning this, the Fukuyama secretary of the Constitutional Democratic Party said at the press conference, “Each party has its own circumstances, so it is not appropriate to divide the answers uniformly into“ to this day. ” It is in the form of consultations between each other and is waiting for it. "

On top of that, Mr. Fukuyama said, “Since we have joined the group and have achieved certain results, it is not 'I can beat the iron while it's hot”, but it is better to be early regardless of whether there is a House of Representatives election. ” , The idea of ​​aiming for early merging.