National Democracy: How to proceed with adjustments to Tamaki representatives and others

In response to a call for confluence from the Constitutional Democratic Party, the National Democratic Party left a meeting with Mr. Tamaki and Secretary-General Hirano on how to proceed with the adjustment, and a meeting was held soon to hear opinions from the party.

The Constitutional Democratic Party Representative Edano called on the National Democratic Party's Tamaki representative and the Social Democratic Party's head of the city party to join the party last week in order to bring together opposition parties and create a political party that can change government.

In response, the National Democratic Party held a meeting on March 9 that gathered members of the House of Representatives and Houses of Representatives. Tamaki said, “Edano's call is in line with our direction to create and gather together a big chunk.” Said.

Mr. Tamaki explained that he asked Mr. Edano to discuss the names of the parties after joining them on an equal footing and to deal with them as one of the House and House of Representatives.

At the meeting, it was reported that Mr. Tamaki and Secretary-General Hirano were left with a special board meeting on how to proceed with future adjustments with the Constitutional Democratic Party.

Because there was no objection from the attendees, the party executive department is close to hearing a meeting that gathered members of the House of Representatives and Houses of Representatives again to hear opinions within the party.