It is the international architectural competition Europe that has selected a winner, a second and a third with the aim of creating a new area for travel centers. The winner was joined by the Connection hub.

"The proposals have been very varied, but many have made similar choices about what should be built and how the connection to the rest of the city should be," says Emeli Cornelius, planning architect at the municipal building office in a press release.

Halmstad has invested SEK 1 million

The municipality will now proceed with all three grants that will serve as visions for what a new travel center can look like. The municipality has invested one million in participation in the competition and can freely choose to use one or more grants for the design of the area.

The goal of a new travel center is, according to the municipality, to be integrated with the city to facilitate trips to, from and around Halmstad.

The municipality is not completely satisfied

A total of 17 grants were submitted to the municipality with visions of the new area. Despite the three winning grants, the municipality is not completely satisfied. None of the grants has been able to fully meet the municipality's requirements and the proposals need to be developed.

- The ideas need to be developed and adapted to new conditions that have arisen since the competition started. A work that we will start with as soon as the competition is completely completed in January next year, says Helena Ekengren, community planner with focus on infrastructure at the municipality's community building office, in the press release.