Today, there is a ban on consuming alcohol in the center of Skellefteå. In September this year, the City Council decided to expand that area.

- We wanted to extend the area from the center to the riverbank at Älvsbackabron and Lejonströmsbron. There are a lot of children and young people along the promenade, so it is a factor of safety, says the municipal council Lorents Burman (S).

The county administrative board stops

But now the County Administrative Board puts a stop to Skellefteå municipality's plans, something that Norran was the first to tell. The County Administrative Board points out that the municipality must only notify local regulations if it is really needed and that there must be strong reasons.

- They mean that it limits the possibilities of the public, says Lorents Burman.

According to the local council, the County Administrative Board will not appeal against the decision of the County Administrative Board, but instead look at how the matter looks.

- We need to address the matter again and see what it is that makes the County Administrative Board perceive it that way.