At a reception organized by Buckingham Palace for NATO leaders last Tuesday, Queen Elizabeth was seen extending her hand to shake hands with US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania. Then the 93-year-old queen appeared to look behind her to see the next leader to shake hands with, and her daughter, Princess Anne, was standing in the background next to the door to help her. The queen then uttered inaudible words to her daughter, but the princess ignored her mother, shouted her hand in the air and laughed.

It was not long before Princess Anne was on top of Twitter on Tuesday. Some social media users have speculated that the Queen may have been "reprimanded" by Anne for not greeting the president.

This moment sparked a lot of speculation by the pioneers of social media, and experts of the royal court presented theories about the dialogue between the two women or rather misunderstanding.

But the Times correspondent, Valentine Law, came up with a seemingly logical story: “After Queen Trump saluted his wife, she turned to the princess to see the next leader to shake his hand, but there was no other leader after Trump,” Trump said. The Queen received them. "At that point, the princess raised her hands in the air and laughed (there is no one but me), and then added a moment later (here a group of people) and referred to a group of palace residents.

Royal experts warn people against interpreting much of Princess Anne's actions. “Princess Anne has always been a national treasure, but the truth is that she was never charged with presenting the queen to the Queen during the NATO reception last night.

Princess Anne's story does not seem to stop there.It was also seen in a video alongside Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who all seemed to be climbing Trump in silence.