Shortly after the Left Party's Jonas Sjöstedt announced that they were moving forward with their plan to bring a declaration of confidence against Eva Nordmark, the Moderates and the KD also agreed that they now do a joint thing with the Left Party.

Ulf Kristersson (M) and Ebba Busch Thor (KD) held a press conference on Thursday announcing that they will raise a declaration of confidence against Nordmark unless the government meets the demands they make regarding the reform of the Employment Service, before Tuesday next week.

Do not want choice system

There are two main points that KD and M criticize - the timetable for privatization and that it is not considered that the reform can rest on the law on the freedom of choice system. The opposition parties believe that the reform is going too fast and is unthinkable. They also want the number of private players in the business to be no more than to be able to control them closely.

- We do not usually agree with the Left Party but on this issue we feel the same and we will act jointly, says Ulf Kristersson. He adds:

- The government must give in to the majority and respect that the majority thinks differently.

SD supports

So on Tuesday the government gets to show that they are listening to the opposition, otherwise the distrust of Eva Nordmark is aroused.

- We have been clear about our requirements here, says Ebba Busch Thor, and thinks that KD is for a privatization basically, which differs from the Left Party's position which is opposed to privatization at all.

The Swedish Democrats will also support a distrust of Eva Nordmark.

"We obviously support such a distrust and would prefer to direct a distrust of all the ministers, including the head of government," Oscar Sjöstedt, SD's economic-political spokesperson told Today's industry earlier today.