It is not possible to deny the worsening of the phenomenon of suicide in the Arab world, suicides are no longer merely individual cases, but extended to different sectors of different Arab society, sometimes as an expression of protest, and sometimes as a tragic end to a life without meaning, and sometimes escape from the sense of helplessness In front of the pain of reality. In some cases, suicide bombers declare their initial intention to kill themselves, to the point of recording suicide video messages and uploading them to YouTube before committing suicide.

However, these cases are not being addressed because of the culture of Arab society that does not take the idea of ​​suicide seriously. The case of Egyptian dentist Sherif Qamar is a case in point, as he left a message about the main reasons for his suicide and placed it on YouTube six days before his suicide, and even wrote a post on his Facebook page asking his friends about The best way to commit suicide (1), however, was that his friends took the message seriously and recklessly, until his acquaintances were surprised that he had killed himself.

The number of suicides in the Arab world has not become just individual cases, as was the case in the past. Arab countries have witnessed a sudden rise in suicide rates since the new millennium. For example: the number of suicide bombers in Egypt in 2002 was about one thousand Egyptians (2). In 2009, Egypt witnessed 104 thousand attempted suicide in which more than 5000 cases succeeded in ending its life already (3). In Algeria, the suicide rate rose from 0.74% per 100,000 inhabitants in 1991 to 2.25% for the same proportion in 2003 and then to 3.1% for the same proportion in 2015 (4).

So how do we understand a disturbing phenomenon such as suicide? What is the nature and levels of suicidal behavior? Are all suicidal thoughts handled the same way? What is our role towards our friends who declare their desire to commit suicide ?!

How do suicidal thoughts begin?

It is difficult to find a comprehensive and general theory to interpret suicide as a human behavior because of the complexity of the human psyche on the one hand and the many variables that affect it on the other (5), but this does not stop us from asking: What drives someone to think about suicide ?! In interviews with 128 people who attempted suicide, 52% admitted that they had attempted suicide to get rid of their miserable mental condition, while 42% admitted that they had tried to escape from the bad psychological situation. As studies continued, it was agreed that the most common cause of suicide was psychological pain (7), a factor that researchers considered the root of a suicide decision (8).

But French psychiatrist Emily Oli asks, “If at all moments in human life all of them suffer psychological pain from a dilemma, a failed romantic relationship, or a social ostracism, what causes some to commit suicide without the rest?” (9). Randolph Weigel, a professor at the Department of Family Studies, provides the answer, saying that the factors that lead to suicide are "complex, multidimensional, and cumulative in nature." Most suicides involve psychological disorders such as severe depression, anxiety, or substance abuse, along with despair. Severe arising as a result of life events "(10).

These factors are not independent in making the decision to commit suicide, as the American psychologist professor John Richard (11) stresses that neither psychological disturbance nor despair nor the stresses of life alone lead to suicide on their own, but when these factors come together at the same time. Psychological pain is unlikely. Suicidal thoughts can emerge, and these thoughts become actual behavior when psychological pain crosses a human barrier and its ability to cope with stress.

Are suicidal thoughts one type ?!

Some researchers observe that if suicide is triggered in a particular social setting, it breaks the taboo and is a “permission” for other people in the ocean to think about it. The mere thought of suicide is a risk factor, although the majority of those who consider suicide do not actually commit suicide. But the question here is: Are all the suicidal thoughts that people say are at one level of severity and danger?

Sometimes when one waves of suicide, a professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, Alex Leckerman, does not really want to kill himself, but does so as a cry of distress or a call for help. According to Ackerman, this type of people does not have as much self-desire to commit suicide as they want to tell their acquaintances that something is seriously wrong, which requires us to be aware of and remedy the error that they want to point out, not to see the perpetrator as committing suicide.

At other times, someone may say they want to commit suicide, but this is not accompanied by planning how to commit suicide in terms of time, method, how to prepare the scene, review the plan, and the American Psychological Association (APA) recommends that we do not deal with such "simple" types. "Suicidal thoughts also deal with the deep suicidal thoughts that accompany acute mental illness."

Suicides and meaning for life

Suicidal susceptibility varies among people according to several variables.According to Professor of Psychiatry Philippe Curtit, three key factors can be considered in the extent or severity of suicides: the extent of suffering and psychological pain, the mechanisms of psychological defense against life stress, and the strength of psychological endurance. (Psychological Threshold).

As for suffering, it includes not only organic diseases or physical pain, but other aspects as well. For example, French psychiatrist Emily Oli recalls that social pain is an essential component of suicide, and social pain includes loss of sense of belonging and lack of self-esteem. ), And not feeling the importance of being.

As for the psychological defense mechanics, in his book "The human searches for meaning," Austrian psychologist Victor Frankel shows us that the human soul can not live properly in the face of the cruelty and pressures it is facing only if the self developed defensive mechanisms through which to respond to these pressures to give a justification and a way for man To deal with these pressures (17).

Religion affects people's behaviors and beliefs and experiences with pain and disease, in addition to giving people meaning and ability to deal with psychological problems


This enabled him to cure psychological crises in what he called meaning therapy, because according to Frankel, one of the greatest crises of suicide is the loss of meaning in their lives. Psychology professor Anthony Marcella points to the centrality of meaning in one's life journey: "Those who lack meaning in their lives do not complete their lives," he says. "The absence of meaning leads to despair, alienation, and suicide." Many of the hardships, disorders and diseases of our time are linked to the absence of meaning and the absence of a search for meaning. ”[18]

Can religion be a prevention and treatment against suicide?

According to professor of psychology at the University of Geneva Olva Mandhoj, religion "affects people's behaviors and beliefs and experiences with pain and disease, in addition to giving people meaning and ability to deal with psychological problems." Olfa points out the importance of considering religion in the therapeutic process of people with suicidal thoughts, saying: "In cases of suicide, religion should be part of the treatment, because religion deals with moral issues and visions after death, and it provides the human meaning, hope and purpose in life, In exchange for a sense of emptiness and loss and loss of meaning suffered by most suicide bombers. ”(19).

The prominent French sociologist Emil Durkheim emphasizes this important role of religion in providing meaning, purpose and the ability to endure pain and hardship, and speaks, for example, about the reason for the scarcity of suicides in Muslim societies in the past, saying: "Man in the Islamic conception, as their prophet Muhammad says According to the book [term] which determines its end, he says: "We have estimated among you death and we have been given a precedent". Durkheim explains the reason for this contradiction: “The virtue that transcends all other virtues [in the Islamic conception] is the absolute submission to the divine will, and the subjugating surrender that makes man endure all that has befallen him. Thus, suicide as rebellion and rebellion was only possible. To be a grave breach of the fundamental duty of man in life ”(20).

Suicide awareness

Suicidal tendencies do not appear suddenly but are a combination of many factors, including mental illnesses, including the acute sense of hopelessness and helplessness, including the loss of meaning. And hope and the absolute sense of emptiness and nothing.

The American Psychological Association (21) recommends family members and close associates with suicidal tendencies to learn about suicidal thoughts, and notes the need to raise awareness that mental disorders are real diseases that need a program and treatment plans and follow-up with psychiatrists, while criticizing the neglect of families and friends Psychological claiming that they are temporary symptoms.

The association also points to the mistaken notion that a person who wishes to commit suicide is merely someone who wants to draw attention. It says that it is important to educate family and friends about how to respond positively and healthyly to suicidal thoughts that are reflected in the psychology of suicide. His thoughts end in tragedy and his life is lost.