The law change in the Public and Privacy Act was introduced on April 1, 2019 and has been named after the cat Maja who starved to death when the cat's owner went to hospital and the staff were not alerted.

In Västerbotten, county veterinarian Annelie Grip Hansson is positive about the change in the law, although only nine reports have been received so far.

This is what one of the reports says:

“The woman stares at the dog until it becomes uncertain and growls. Then she flies on it and puts it on her back and screams out how wrong the dog is doing. The little chihuahuan is often imprinted in a corner of fear. She shuts both dogs in the toilet in the dark if she is to go out ” .

After the reports have been received, the county administrative boards decide whether to go out and make checks.

In the clip above you can see more about what the change in the law meant and how the county administrative boards act.