Doctors and specialists in diabetes have warned of a video of diabetes treatment, which was recently circulated widely, to a person introducing a new way to treat «diabetes», a lot of eating fruit, stressing that the content of the video is misleading and not scientifically proven, and asked patients to see the specialist doctors and official bodies Before following such remedies.

This came in the context of commenting on a video that was widely spread through social media, to a person announcing an innovative therapeutic method, to eliminate diabetes altogether, based on the patient's dependence on fruit source of sugar, and away from sugar «glucose».

The doctors stressed that the content of the video is completely free of any scientific evidence can be inferred or relied on, stressing that such claims can cause great harm to patients, if they follow them without medical supervision, or refer to the competent authorities to confirm them before following them.

Dr. Nawal Al-Mutawa, an endocrinologist and diabetes consultant at the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, said that the video content is misleading, unscientific and could cause health complications for diabetics in the event of being driven.

She said that the measuring devices do not recognize the fruit sugar «Fructose», and that diabetics can not eat fruit without specific proportions, especially as some types may cause a rise in sugar significantly, and called for treatment of the disease in conjunction with the specialist doctor and nutritionist Which determines the appropriate food and the specific proportions of it.

Dr. Osman al-Labban, a family medicine consultant at Dubai's Al-Zahra Hospital, warned of the danger of being driven by such misleading therapeutic methods, for which there is no scientific reference on which to accept them.

He pointed out that dealing with diabetics must be in a scientific manner studied by the specialist doctor, especially since each case has its own privacy, and requires special treatment plans.

He said that the content of the video circulation is vague and unclear, where he called on diabetics to rely on fruit for a period of time, claiming that this may cure the «diabetes», stressing that doctors allow diabetics to eat fruit in specific proportions in the basis of treatment plans, so how to allow eating randomly.

Wafaa Ayesh, Director of Clinical Nutrition at Dubai Health Authority, said that the content of the video is completely free of scientific evidence, which makes it completely unrecognized, pointing out that no one can deny the value of fruit, but wasteful of it At the same time it can cause serious health complications, especially for diabetics.

She called on patients before resorting to any therapeutic method to search for research and scientific evidence behind them, and circulating international health organizations accredited around, especially as relying on such methods without medical supervision or verification of their effectiveness, may result in serious health problems.

A doctor performs tests on a sample of his blood

A video, which was widely circulated via social media, spread to a doctor of Asian nationality, testing a blood sample that measured blood sugar was 160. When added to sugar glucose exceeded 500, and at the time added fruit sugar «Fructose »The sample dropped from 500 to 109, claiming that if diabetics eat more fruits, their blood sugar will decrease and the disease will not suffer. Fructose removes glucose from the blood and ends the disease.

Doctors allow diabetic patients to eat fruit at specific rates within treatment plans.