In our daily lives we practice habits that make us spend more than we have, without realizing it, and to preserve and develop our financial potential we must get rid of bad daily habits.

In a report published in the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Mercedes Orthez says many families are facing serious financial difficulties by the end of the month because of rising costs in return for shrinking wages and incomes.

Low wages versus high housing costs did not enable households to save, but many daily expenses could be avoided. Here are eight bad habits that make you waste money:

1. Avoid comparison
You can't save money if you own or resort to your first choice. With the advent of the Internet, a host of websites have emerged that allow users to compare prices for materials and services ranging from insurance and energy savings to mortgages through which you can study and choose the product that best suits your needs and allows you to save a significant amount of money.

2. Non-verification of invoices
Despite the high costs of some services, experts recommend that bills such as electricity, telephone, internet, restaurant bills, hotels and even supermarkets should be reviewed. In this way, it is possible to reduce financial losses each month by reviewing the cost and consumables we need and those that are dispensable.

Experts recommend planning any important expenses (Getty Images)

3 - lack of planning
The author noted that improvisation is not good in many aspects of life, especially financially. Experts recommend planning any important household expenses, such as vacations, as it is advisable to avoid the summer months during which prices are high compared to the rest of the year.

In addition, it is advisable to buy tickets one to three months in advance so as not to pay more. Being cautious can help you find better hotels and apartments at affordable prices.

4 - not to develop a budget
Planning, setting goals, and monitoring results are essential. It doesn't matter who you are or your socioeconomic status because everyone needs to control their expenses and accounts. Nothing is better than a budget to reveal the amount allocated for everything.

5 - impulse purchase
To avoid irresistible, randomly motivated purchases, it is advised not to leave the house without a list of what you will buy with a clear budget.

Online purchases should also be avoided. It's best not to install apps for some brands to make purchases especially if you can't control yourself.

You need to choose a product that suits your needs and allows you to save money (Getty Images)

6 - eating out
While life and well-being must be enjoyed, having breakfast outside or not taking your food to work is an unnecessary expense.

According to the latest study published by the Association of Independent Users and Consumers in Spain, people in a city like Madrid spend the equivalent of 280 euros a month to eat outdoors, meaning more than 2,400 euros a year.

7 - not to turn off the electrical appliances
According to the International Energy Agency, wasted electricity by leaving electrical appliances in standby accounts for between 5 and 10 percent of the total energy consumption in the home. Therefore, we recommend that you make sure that you turn off devices that we don't use. Another common practice is to leave chargers plugged in even when they are not connected.

Some stores allow you to save fuel on some occasions (Getty Images)

8 - not to use savings cards
How many times did you refuse to take a loyalty card from the supermarket? The author stressed the need to think carefully before rejecting them next time, because these cards are an important tool for saving, with access to benefits such as discounts on second units or specific products.

Some stores allow you to save fuel on some occasions, while others allow you to defer payment, which is a significant reduction in expenses at certain times of the year.

The writer concluded that the list of habits that make us waste money is long, and to get rid of bad habits and maintain our financial capabilities and development, we need only discipline and commitment, because the benefits in return are many and varied.