
01 December 2019Passi ahead for a pending node of the fiscal Dl, expected in the Chamber tomorrow evening. In fact, two amendments related to the tightening of the prison for the great evaders came from the majority speakers. A response that is welcomed by a tough statement from Confindustria, which accused the government of interventions "aimed at criminalizing the business world".

The two proposed amendments to Article 39, one of the points of friction between M5S and Pd, have been deposited in the Finance Committee in the Chamber. In practice, the text reads, "the increase in penalties for crimes of unfaithful declarations and omitted declarations was attenuated". Moreover, a very important detail has limited the applicability of the confiscation due to the disproportionate only to the most serious tax crimes, having such characteristics "as to cover a greater thickness, indicating an illicit accumulation of wealth". The punishment thresholds for the omissions of withholding taxes and VAT are unchanged. The aim of the expected amendments, the rapporteurs explain, is "not to hit the occasional culprit of crimes not characterized by fraudulent conduct with excessive rigor." It seems, in short, that a square has been found after the fibrillation of Italia Viva, even if there is no possibility of excluding new twists before the trust in Dl Fisco, which should be placed on Tuesday.

Just the one connected to the maneuver was the object of a criticism from Viale dell'Astronomia, which on Sunday afternoon reiterated "the deep concern for the continuous widening of the criminal sphere to economic facts". For Confindustria it is "a hyper-repressive approach, which multiplies the penalties on the same cases. It is certainly not this proliferation of criminal interventions, aimed at criminalizing the business world, the correct way to fight evasion and make the business grow country's economy ".

The Mibact instead extinguishes the controversy over the increase in the tourist tax for Italian Municipalities. The ministry led by Franceschini has specified how the government has given a favorable opinion to an amendment to the fiscal decree "that gives the faculty to the only communes capitals of province, that according to the official statistics have had tourist presences in number twenty times superior to that of the residents , to raise the maximum tax rate from five euros to ten euros ". . According to the latest statistics and taking into account the specific regulations of Rome and Venice (where it is already possible to increase), the measure concerns very few cases, such as Florence and Rimini, which have percentages higher than 20. A possibility for mayors, explain the dems, certainly not an obligation as complained by Lega and Fratelli d'Italia.