After the death of thirteen French soldiers in Mali, on November 25, Wendy Bouchard received on Europe 1 an infantryman in an elite regiment of paratroopers. Speaking under pseudonym, the military does not elude any question.


On 25 November, thirteen French soldiers lost their lives in Mali, following a collision between two helicopters in full anti-terrorist operation. On Monday, a national tribute will be paid to the Invalides, in Paris, in the presence of Emmanuel Macron. It was in this context that Wendy Bouchard received, on Europe 1, an infantryman in an elite regiment of paratroopers.

The soldier, made anonymous under the name of Greg, confides on the receipt of such dramas in the army: "In the regiments, we talk about it succinctly, we do not dwell on the subject. we have the emotion, but when we commit to serve, we are told that it is part of the soldier code and that we can go to the ultimate commitment, that is to say the peril of his life ".

Heard on europe1:

Dramas like this give us the reality of what this ultimate commitment may be.

Greg says that death is "a theoretical notion" but that the military, necessarily, "think about it". "Tragedies like this give us the reality of what this ultimate commitment may be," said the soldier. He did not serve in Mali but he knew the no less dangerous lands of Afghanistan and Central Africa.

Total commitment

The military engagement, delivered Greg on Europe 1, is total, in the good ones as in the bad moments: "When one engages in the army, one trains oneself to do these different missions and when one realize that we come back and that they are well done, there is satisfaction, but there is also this second part where everyone shares the difficulties of others, who go beyond the theoretical commitment ".

On Monday, during the tribute of the nation to fallen soldiers in Mali, which will take place in the Invalides, Emmanuel Macron will speak on the conditions of the military, the reasons for their fighting and the notion of heroism. A speech "important" according to Greg who brought nuance all the same: "They are not heroes, it is simply to do his job for good reasons."

Charlie Hebdo Unes: "It hurts me"

The weekly Charlie Hebdo, renowned acerbic and anti-militarist, has not missed the opportunity to say sarcastically French commitment in Mali, through Biche cartoonist cartoons.

Excluded: @Biche_Doe unveils future army recruiting campaign #Barkhanehttps: //

- Charlie Hebdo (@Charlie_Hebdo_) November 28, 2019

The drawings made react. The Army Chief of Staff has posted a message on Twitter in which he testifies to his "deep indignation". Greg shares this feeling: "It hurts me ... We all know the editorial line of Charlie Hebdo nevertheless I imagined that they would make the link between this military operation, Operation Sentinel and the fight against terrorism in France and that happened to them in the name of terrorism ".

The black boxes of the two colliding helicopters are being analyzed. The first answers on the precise circumstances of the accident will soon be known.