
by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 01 December 2019 "Italians are a bit fed up with all these summits, we have to give answers". This was said by Matteo Renzi, host of 'Non è l'Arena' on La7.

On this evening's meeting at Palazzo Chigi, the former prime minister observes: "Since this quarrel is on the Mes and we have nothing to argue about, if they saw each other. Agree. We are strangely pacifying this time ". Italia Viva does not want to enter the Pd-M5s clash and adds: "Rosato explained to the Prime Minister that on the new dispute of the week, on the Mes, we have nothing to argue over". "Every three days, Italians are fed up with people, they don't care about anyone, it's not like we're following an episode of Beautiful or a soap opera ..." said Renzi, responding to the absence of Italia Viva at the table on the Mes in course at Palazzo Chigi. But he comments: "It does no harm to Italy but it is a system that helps the most in difficulty banks that are German ones. There must be a package. Even on taxation there should be the same rules", explained the former premier.

On the clash that took place in Parliament: "It is crap. Ridicules. We should remove" three months' salary from the protagonists ".

Renzi also talks about the Roman administration telling the presenter of the television program of when, as a reporter, he was hiding behind the bins to flush out the ministers: "If Conte hides behind the garbage - he says - he loses himself with the situation that exists .. ".

The leader of Italia Viva then explained: "I say to Conte: 'make us a list of issues and we give a hand'. The tensions in the majority did not make it Italia Viva", explaining that January 15 will present the Prime Minister on January 15 on a gigantic plan to restart growth "because Renzi has returned to insist on the need to unlock infrastructure.

Regarding the duration of the Government, he has no intention of "pulling the plug" "We attacked it", he said. "We are in government if we do things. This applies to everyone, "he noted.

For Renzi then "it is necessary to change the income of citizenship and share 100 ".

On the statute of limitations he says: "I agree with the proposal of Forza Italia exponent Enrico Costa on the halt to the entry into force of the prescription reform". On the reform of the prescription, countering to the conductor he observes: "You ask us but this law was made by the previous government, today you can put a patch on it, but it is a patch to put on the next day".

With regard to party financing, he states that "there must be clear rules for everyone". Renzi then focused on the controversy with the Democratic Party: "In 2013 there was still public funding, millions and millions, yet the Democratic Party closes with 10 million in losses. In 2018, our last year, only 600 thousand euros". And finally: "The PD's accusations? What is it surprising about? It has not given me solidarity for seven years ... Let us leave it", on the matter concerning the Open Foundation.