About this, as Interfax reports, Peskov said on the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin "on the channel" Russia 1 ".

“One way or another, Putin and Zelensky will talk. In the case of Putin and Zelensky this is much more important than the entourage of the meeting. What kind of surroundings will be, what format will be, surely an agreement will be reached on this already closer to the meeting itself, ”he said.

The Kremlin representative noted the interest of both parties in organizing such contacts.

According to Peskov, in the framework of the meeting, the leaders will discuss gas issues that “require a solution” before January 1.

Earlier it became known that the summit in the Norman format is planned to be held in the Champs Elysees.

On November 27, the Kremlin did not rule out a separate meeting of the presidents in Paris, where a summit in the Norman format will be held on December 9.

As Zelensky noted, Ukraine is set to negotiate in any format within the “Norman Four”.