By RFPosted on 01-12-2019Modified on 01-12-2019 at 00:51

In Morocco, the number of HIV infections is declining. This trend has been confirmed in recent years, unlike other countries in the Middle East and North Africa where the number of infections is increasing. The country's strategy is to target and act on "key populations" such as sex workers, men who have sex with men or drug users, while 67% of new infections occur in these populations.

Between the walls of an abandoned house, men parade to consume their dose of heroin, including Rachid, 41, who explains: " It's been twenty years that I prick ." To avoid becoming infected with HIV, he recovers disposable syringes from the doctor Mohamed El Khammas, from the Association for the fight against AIDS in Morocco (ALCS). " The people of M'diq are given priority because of the concentration of HIV infection, according to the Ministry of Health, " he says.

ALCS goes every night to meet drug users, as here in front of the gate of the Tetouan cemetery in northern Morocco, the region most affected by the phenomenon. " We are testing for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C ," says Younes Hajaji, general practitioner, who works in the truck equipped with a medical space. Eight to fifteen screening tests per day and per trip are done .

WORLD DAY - On the occasion of the World AIDS Day, on December 1st of each year, all our 19 sections around Morocco are mobilized to celebrate this commemoration. Here is the section of Casablanca with volunteers in full preparation.

ALCS MOROCCO (@ALCSMAROC) November 29, 2019

Stakeholders are also raising awareness about the risks of HIV transmission, a vital work, according to ALCS President Mehdi Karkouri, while the prevalence of infection among injecting drug users is high.

" This is where you have to offer prevention, all services to reduce the risk of transmission ," says Mehdi Karkouri. It requires building trust, not judging them, and not stigmatizing them. It is impossible for this to be offered by the government. It is forced to be an association because the use of drag is legally prohibited .

► (Re) listen: The Moroccan Association for the fight against Aids raises awareness

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