US year-end shopping season starts, but sales are expected to be strong November 29 10:18


On the 28th, which celebrated the Thanksgiving Day in the United States, sales at the end of the year began in earnest at many department stores and retail stores. Even though trade friction with China continues, strong sales are expected against the backdrop of stable employment environment and high stock prices.

In the United States, sales are increasing at any store and become profitable, so Friday the day after Thanksgiving is called `` Black Friday '', Monday the next week when Internet sales are cheap is called `` Cyber ​​Monday '', this time Full-scale year-end sales battle begins.

A long-established department store “Macy's” in Manhattan, New York, was packed with many customers at the opening of the evening of 5pm on the 28th, and was buying the products they were looking for.

A woman who was traveling from California said, “I want to do more shopping because I was able to afford a little more than last year.

In fact, many stores are already ahead of schedule to avoid the decline in sales due to the calendar's late holidays due to the late Thanksgiving holiday.

In addition, there is a voice to predict the so-called “rush demand” because a new tariff is scheduled to be added from 15th of next month on imported goods from China.

In addition to this, there is a stable employment environment and stock prices that have continued to renew at the highest level this month, which is expected to be a good year-end sales season.

“In-demand demand” in anticipation of customs duties on China

According to the NRF = National Retailers Association, the US retail sales for the two months of this month and next month, which are the end of the year, are up to $ 730.7 billion (approximately 80 trillion yen), compared to the same period of the previous year Private consumption is expected to remain strong, with an increase of 4.2%.

Internet shopping is expected to grow significantly by 11-14%.

On the 4th Thursday of November, the Thanksgiving holiday is 28th, and it is about a week later than usual with Black Friday the following day.

As a result, many retailers have already begun bargains at the beginning of this month in order to avoid delays in sales and to reduce sales.

In addition, it is pointed out that there is also a “rush demand” in anticipation of price increases due to the US government planning a new tariff increase on imported goods from China on the 15th of next month.

The US economy has entered its 11th year, the longest period of economic growth from this summer, and personal consumption, which accounts for 70% of GDP = GDP, is based on a stable employment environment and high stock prices. The year-end sales battle is also expected to be strong.