Novus has asked 1,016 people which party they think has the best policy on various issues. On two of the three most important issues of the voters, the Swedish Democrats now receive the most support: immigration and integration (35 percent) and law and order (24 percent). This is the first time that any party other than the Moderates has statistically guaranteed better results in the matter of law and order.

The Swedish Democrats forensic spokesperson, Adam Marttinen, believes that this is partly because the party has consistently and for a long time advocated a tougher fight against criminals.

- We have also been most credible in the underlying factor, segregation linked to immigration policy. There, I think we measure ourselves the strongest of all parties, ”says Adam Marttinen (SD).

The Swedish Democrats have the best policy in terms of law and order, according to a study by Novus. Photo: SVT

Declining opinion figures

The Moderates have been investing heavily in judicial policy in the autumn with many media outlets and harsh attacks on the government. But despite the fact that law and order is considered to be a very important issue for voters, M struggles with declining opinion figures.

Moderate party secretary Gunnar Strömmer also believes that voters reward SD for the link between immigration and crime.

- But over time, it is also about presenting policies to solve the problems. It usually benefits the Moderates and I am sure it will also pay off in voter support, says Gunnar Strömmer (M).

S peaks - but lose at the same time

The Social Democrats have the most support in three of the voters' most important issues, health care, school / education and elderly care, but these are the weakest figures in several years. Regarding the elderly care, the party shares first place with the Christian Democrats.

According to the Novus survey, the Environment Party has the best climate policy (22 percent).