A month ago, the Ronneby Alliance presented its budget to balance the economy of the municipality. On Thursday night, the budget was clubbed after the Swedish Democrats chose to stand behind the alliance parties' budget proposals, writes South East.

- We were extremely uncertain. We had almost expected it to fall, says Roger Fredriksson (M) to SVT Nyheter Blekinge, municipal council after the budget negotiations.

The Swedish Democrats submitted a list of requirements to support the alliance's budget. Among other things, drug tests were requested on municipal politicians and deducted the cost of interpretation needs.

- We did not meet them at these points, but we take it with us, says Municipal Councilor Fredriksson (M).

Saves in several places

Ronneby's municipal budget for 2020 represents major changes for several businesses. It is reduced two million from the School of Culture and the fee doubles to SEK 600 per term, a figure which Fredriksson (M) thinks is balanced with other cultural school fees in Blekinge.

Social administration is affected by staff reductions in functional support. According to the budget, 0.6 posts per disabled social housing are withdrawn, which is equivalent to eight posts.