Paris (AFP)

Candidates from civil society or associations, elected officials or activists: Cédric Villani, dissident candidate LREM in the municipal elections in Paris, unveiled Thursday evening the leaders of his list in each of the 17 districts of Paris.

Pierre Henry, president of France Terre d'Asile, association of aid to refugees and migrants, will be leader in the Xth arrondissement, announced the campaign team of the mathematician in a statement transmitted Thursday evening, at the end of a vote in each borough committee.

Other catches: Deputy Pierre LREM Pierre Person, Bouchra Nezzal, presents himself in the 11th arrondissement, where is the candidate Ecologist David Belliard (EELV) and where the outgoing Mayor (PS) Anne Hidalgo should be candidate in second position, according to close sources. Manon Laporte, regional councilor of Ile-de-France in the majority of Valérie Pécresse - and also wife of Bernard Laporte, president of the French Rugby Federation - was chosen in the very chic 7th arrondissement.

Spokespeople Anne Lebreton and Rayan Nezzar, members of the candidate's bodyguard, are leaders respectively in "Paris-Center" (the first four districts) and in the twentieth arrondissement, MP Paula Forteza in the nineteenth.

Finally, Hanane Abdelli-Tancrede (5th arrondissement), Sylvie Smaniotto-Gruska (6th), Isabelle Bordry (8th), Thierry Keller (9th) and Patrick Rebourg (12th, where he is a restaurateur) were chosen.

"They come from the right, from the left, from the civil society, from different social and professional backgrounds," said Villani's campaign director, Baptiste Fournier, to AFP.

According to the campaign team, about half of the chosen leaders will be the top of the list at the end of the dealings with "partners or politicians".

These announcements come in the wake of a widely commented interview Thursday when Cédric Villani, interviewed, said he did not know if he was autistic and denounced "rumors" about him.

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