There are 260,000 police reports of fraud in Sweden each year. Difficulties in investigating and a lack of resources are the main reasons why notifications lead to prosecution. But according to the police, it is still important to report to the police if you believe you have been exposed to a crime.

- Of course you should report this to the police. On the one hand, we have an opportunity to act against companies and representatives of the companies and make sure that they change their routines if we believe that they have committed a crime in connection with telephone sales, says Magnus Lindegren.

- Regarding fraud, it is often a big dark number and therefore we need to get notifications in order for us to be able to put this puzzle, he continues.

Of the around 60 police reports received by the Nordic Guard Group according to the police since the company started in August 2017, nothing has led to prosecution.

- We are fairly confident, without going into these specific police reports, that there will be no preliminary investigation, he says.

Social security numbers are available on the internet

The company calls and offers a service to monitor your social security number. According to reports to the Consumer Agency, many have become worried when the company says that one's entire social security number is easily accessible on the Internet.

"Hang up"

What do you advise people to do during these phone calls?

- If you are interested in a service, you will contact a company that sells this service. But if you get called, you have to question why they contact you. If you do not get enough good answers, then hang up, says Magnus Lindegren.

Most of the complaints against the Nordic Guard Group mainly concern older people. Why do you think it looks like this?

- They may find it more difficult to say no in these situations when you get a little pressured. You may not know everything about technology. It goes very fast and then you are a suitable victim.