Many mothers wonder how best to wash the face of the baby or infant: Is it with water, soap, or detergent milk, or enough handkerchief and cotton?

The writer Veronique Bertrand, in a report published by the magazine "Santi Magazine" French, that the face of both the baby and the baby clean itself naturally. She also addressed the advice of Maréliz Arezzoli, a nursing director at a school nursery in France.

The writer stressed that only the use of substances that help to rinse, such as soap, and avoid the use of milk cleanser (non-rinsing milk) and napkins wet with chemicals. For infants, the easiest way is to use a cotton swab, soak it in tap water or spray it with a spray.

For infants, the process of cleaning the face starts from the front and then the nose, wings of the nose, cheeks and chin. As for the eyes, they can be cleaned from the inside out, from the most dirty to the cleaner to avoid clogging the lacrimal duct.

For cleaning the ears, they can be cleaned during the baby's bath, as they will be wet. But before bathing the baby, a small piece of cotton should be passed on the ears as a preliminary cleaning, then gently clean them from the inside at the apparent level of the ear, without forgetting behind the ears. As is the practice, cleaning the baby's mouth occurs immediately after each food or feeding.

Cleanliness with fun
When a child grows and becomes two to three years old, we can always remind him of the need to clean his face while brushing his teeth, whether that morning or evening. Since your child imitates you, take advantage of it and wash your face in front of it at the same time.

To encourage him, he can give him a small towel in the size of his hand, in the form of a doll decorated with a cute animal head, such as a cat, panda or frog, and should be changed daily towel.

The writer stressed that the bathroom should be a place where the child feels fun while washing his face, and we can sing with him a song for children to be more coordinated.

The writer said that after cleaning the face, it must be dried thoroughly from the water to avoid exposure to wind or cold, without forgetting of course moisturizing cream.