One of Tesla's controversial CyberTruck launches saw the tug-of-war contest.Tesla's truck effectively pulled the Ford F150, and many questioned the fairness of the competition, pointing out that the CyberTruck was supported by its weight, increased friction or any other variable.

Astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson questioned the performance of CyberTurk in a tweet posted on his Twitter account.

Cybertruck pulls F-150 uphill

- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 24, 2019

This tweet encouraged Ford Vice President Sunny Madra to join the Skeptics campaign, offering to hold a true and fair contest between Tesla and Ford in a tweet on his Twitter account as well.

hey @elonmusk send us a cybertruck and we will do the apples to apples test for you 😉😉😉https: //

- sunny madra (@sundeep) November 25, 2019

It is unclear what Madra will change to make the test fair, but some have claimed that the Ford F350 with high-torque diesel engines will pose a more just challenge against the CyberTurk, as it is closer in price to the price of the Tesla.

It should also be noted that Ford is working on its own electric model F150, which will certainly be fairer compared to the Tesla.

However, Elon Musk does not seem concerned about the challenge, simply replying in a tweet urging Madra to bring the best of Ford.

Bring it on

- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 25, 2019

Sure, all of this is just skirmishes for marketing and advertising, but there are many who would actually like to know who is best in the competition between the two trucks.