Several municipalities are planning to save money by reducing operating costs for the municipal road networks. This is evidenced by the survey of the municipalities' finances that SVT has done.

Eight out of ten of the country's municipalities say they plan savings next year. The savings will affect the municipalities' large core businesses such as school and elderly care. At the same time, several municipalities state that they are planning to save on roads and road maintenance.

Reduced snow removal

About four in ten of the country's municipalities plan to save money when it comes to roads and protection. Of these, 85 percent say they plan to cut operating costs, which could mean reduced road maintenance, reduced street lighting and reduced snow clearance.

- The ambition will be lowered when it comes to road maintenance, Gunnel Gyllander commander in Härjedalen writes to SVT.

Sand instead of salt

In Vaggeryd in Småland, the municipality plans to reduce winter road holding. By reducing the salting of old national highway 1, which today is the central road through the municipality, the municipality expects to be able to save between 200,000 and 300,000 thousand SEK.

- In concrete terms, it is noticeable that it will not be the same safety and security. It will be more snow and you will be sanding instead of salting and it is clear then that you have to take that into account when going on the road, says Gert Jonsson (M) municipal council in Vaggeryd.