Today, more than 50% of the recipients of Restos du cœur are under 26 years old. A phenomenon that has been growing in recent years.


The 35th winter campaign of Restos du cœur starts on Tuesday, coinciding with the day of the big mobilization against student precariousness. While they have not, for a long time, gone through the doors of the association, more and more students are asking for help. More than 50% of the beneficiaries are now under 26 years old.

"I do not find it degrading to come for food, if I can improve my situation I'll do it, but for now I'm helped, and I accept," says to the microphone of Europe 1 Adame, student 18 years old, who fills his cadis for all his family, his mother, auxiliary of life, his sisters, and his nephews.

"30 or 40 euros, that makes the difference"

Even with the salary of his future alternation he will, he says, always push the doors of Eating heart. "My income will not be enough to fill my entire family, even for me, I do not think it's possible to pay for a good housing with alternation.I may need another help, that of Crous" he continues.

Students who have to fend for themselves, no parents, no family are rare to ask for help at restaurants of hearts. Here, they represent a little less than 1% of the beneficiaries, but the manager Gerard regrets to see the phenomenon amplify.

"For two years, we've seen students, for one person, a passage represents 30 to 40 euros of food, that makes the difference.For these young people, it's really harmful that they start their lives with the Restos du cœur. " Students who, for the most part, slip Gérard, live in emergency housing.