Invited by the "Big Evening Newspaper", MP LREM and rapporteur of the bill to protect victims of domestic violence, Bérangère Couillard, Monday defended the plan of government struggle presented by Édouard Philippe.


Protection of victims, monitoring aggressors ... With the plan to fight against violence against women presented this Monday, Édouard Philippe hopes an "electroshock". Guest of the Grand Journal of the evening , Monday, on Europe 1, the MEP LREM Bérangère Couillard, who co-piloted local Grenelle throughout France on the subject, believes that "we have an ambitious plan that is based on several pillars, including "prevention and training." "We have very important announcements, education for gender equality for the youngest, whether in high school or high school, in the SNU [national universal service, note] "says the majority MP.

"I regret that we give the impression that there is nothing"

For feminist associations, government measures are insufficient and the "disappointment is up to the stakes" commented on Europe 1 Caroline de Haas, member of the collective "Nous Tous". The member "regrets that we give the impression that there is nothing then not at all". Defending the announced plan, the member sweeps criticism criticizing a lack of resources. "The billion that was asked ( by feminist associations, ed ) was based on the Spanish model, but we must not forget that this sum is spread over five years, so 250 million per year.We are beyond." The series of measures announced by the government corresponds to a financial commitment of 361 million euros for the year 2020.

Regarding the lifting of medical secrecy in case of imminent danger, a measure that divides practitioners, Bérangère Couillard recognizes "that we must find a solution with a possible report, while ensuring that the victim is prevented." "We are talking to the doctors, and a solution will normally be found," she says.