• Air transport, 24-hour general strike on December 13th


24 November 2019To difficult day tomorrow for those who have to travel by plane due to a strike in the sector. The protest was called by all the major unions of the Ast-Confsal air sector, Cub Trasporti / AirCommittee, Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uilt-Uil, Uglta and Assegato Quadri.

Probable inconveniences that will continue throughout the day. Alitalia has already announced that it has immediately canceled 137 flights and put in place an extraordinary plan. "On Monday 25 November - the company website reads - some trade unions have proclaimed a strike by the air traffic controllers from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. In the same hours other unrest in the air transport sector has been confirmed. it was therefore forced to cancel some connections, both national and international, scheduled for November 25 in the time slot from 13:00 to 17:00 ". On the site it is possible to consult the list of canceled flights.

Strikes flight controllers and air transport sector proclaimed for November 25th from 1pm to 5pm. The toll-free number 800.65.00.55 (from Italy) and the number +39.06.65649 (from abroad) is active. Here the list of canceled flights: https://t.co/4V7ufy9zOF pic.twitter.com/luglLvUR8s

- Alitalia (@Alitalia) 22 November 2019