In recent years, it is common for political leaders to download compromised draft decisions in their bases. A search for a shield that legitimizes roadmaps and movements, knowing that whoever controls the game controls the device. A new episode has been lived with the pact for a coalition government signed by Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias The Socialists have held a consultation among their militancy to endorse it. And she has spoken clearly: with Iglesias, yes -the 28-A sang in Ferraz "with Rivera, no" -. More than 90% have shielded the agreement with Podemos with their favorable vote.

The participation between the bases of the PSC - the Catalan federation of the PSOE - did not reach 50%. It remained at 44.94% of the census (6,415 people out of a total of 14,276), winning without palliative support for the pact with the Iglesias party: 93.64% voted in favor, as reported by the PSC.

The consultation to which the socialist militants have been summoned answered an incomplete question. "Do you support the agreement reached between the PSOE and United We can to form a progressive coalition government?", Was the issue launched from the dome, for which it was necessary to mark 'v' in the box in the affirmative case or a cross if the Answer was negative. The formulation obviated that for that agreement to bear fruit it is necessary the support of formations such as ERC, with whom the Socialists are willing to sit at a dialogue table.

In addition, both PSOE and Podemos - which celebrates this consultation from Saturday until Tuesday 27 - have promoted this process based on a brief 10-point agreement signed by Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias and without offering details of the distribution of portfolios and competencies in the future Coalition Executive , if the investiture is carried out.

Hours before the consultation, the socialist dome mobilized on social networks to try to push their bases towards voting, fearing that a demobilization would subtract credit from the result. Pedro Sánchez went to cast his vote at the headquarters of the Socialist Association of Pozuelo de Alarcón , without making any statement or comment to the media, in line with that imposition of silence he has decreed coinciding with the negotiation with Podemos and with the knowledge of the sentence of the ERE.

It was only pronounced days before the consultation, through a video of the party spread on social networks, in which he explained to his bases that "we have the opportunity to build a progressive government to improve the lives of majorities and build a fairer country. " "As a militant, you have in your hand the decision to ratify the agreement with United We can, for which I ask for your favorable vote on 23N."

Upon arrival at the voting center, Sánchez was shot from a balcony by neighbors who called him "traitor", "sold" and held responsible for the case of the Andalusian EREs and "selling Spain to continue in the Moncloa".

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PSOE
  • We can
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • United We Can
  • ERC
  • Spain
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Politics

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