"Her lip was blue and swollen and she had pain in her abdomen [...] She had to start sleeping medication," the woman herself says in the judgment against the three 19-year-olds who are convicted of rape at Gävle District Court.

The friends chased away the men

The girl must have followed one of the men into a room to which the other two connected. What happened next prevailed in shared opinions.

Two of the men acknowledge sexual intercourse but deny the crime and believe it was voluntary. The third man completely denies the deed.

The rape ended only when the girl friends entered the room and chased away the three men.

Struggled against and shouted "quit"

However, the district court makes the assessment that consent must be valid throughout the act and that the girl's swollen lip makes it clear that she did not want to perform oral sex. On several occasions, the woman must also have fought and asked the three men to quit.

The district court believes that the 19-year-olds were indifferent to what the plaintiff wanted or did not want. All are sentenced to three months in prison.