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November 23, 2019The quarrel because she wanted to make their relationship known to the lover's wife, and in order not to do so she wanted money, then the first knife, and then the confirmation of the revelation made two weeks ago with a text message on the phone "I am pregnant, I wait your baby, I love you ". And when everything seemed to be resolved with the journey to the hospital, here are the blows on the head and the stab wound to the throat.

This is how Maria Lacramioara Di Piazza, 30, died yesterday morning, killed by the entrepreneur Antonino Borgia, 51, between Partinico and Balestrate near Palermo. An atrocious crime just before the international day against violence against women that is celebrated on Monday. A ferocious murder for the ways and the total insensitivity of the murderer who killed the woman after knowing that she was pregnant, and then, after the crime, she continued her routine as if nothing had happened.

The initial scene of the aggression is imprinted on a digital memory taken from the security camera of a villa, which also recorded audio, and was taken by a witness to the carabinieri. The killer was arrested and confessed. He is accused of murder, illegal weapon port, concealment of a corpse, procured abortion. The autopsy will have to clarify if the woman was pregnant.