After the police reorganization "the police no longer receive cats as lost goods but refer the public to the county board to a large extent", the county administrative board writes in a press release, claiming that a large number of telephone calls are now received from people who have found cats and who are requested by the police to contact the county administrative board instead.

But who is really responsible?

"It is a major problem for the public that is referred between two different authorities," explains the County Administrative Board's lawyer Ulrika Thorsén for TT.

And what does that mean for the cats?

-It means they fall between the chairs.

Want to clarify boundary

Now the authority wants JO to clarify where the border goes and what circumstances should be used to determine whether these are missing cats - which is a case for police based on the lost property law - or whether it is about abandoned cats, which are then the county administrative board. responsibility under the Animal Protection Act.

Even if the matter has not yet been clarified, however, anyone who finds a cat in Kalmar County should not hesitate to hear, says lawyer Ulrika Thorsén.

-You can get in touch with both authorities. They will both ask their control questions to make a judgment on whether the cat is lost or abandoned.