"Our position is maintained as decided in the plenary votes." The socialist municipal spokesman, Pepu Hernández, has been concise and forceful. Thus the Municipal Group in the Madrid City Council remains in the not despite the fact that the regional leadership of the party asked last Wednesday in a meeting without councilors of the capital not to block the transfer of waste from the Commonwealth of the East to Valdemingómez.

As this newspaper already reported, this position of the regional management caused internal discomfort in a municipal group that the word used yesterday was "surprise" before the information published. Today, that malaise is already public and notorious. "There always has to be a coordination between administrations to solve a problem but so far our position is maintained as decided in the plenary voting," Pepu Hernández said during his visit to the headquarters of Samur Social on Friday.

This is the second public act in which members of the formation in Madrid rebel against the decision taken by the general direction headed by José Manuel Franco. First it was the resignation of the Regional Executive of the Secretary General of Villa de Vallecas, Ignacio Benito, who said he was doing it "for consistency." And the second is the greatest exponent of the socialists in the city of Madrid.

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  • Pepu Hernandez
  • PSOE

Politics The PSOE decided that the Alcalá garbage go to Valdemingómez in a meeting without councilors of the capital

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