In October, the Free School MTH education in Hudiksvall was notified to the Justice Chancellor. According to the report, the free school should have sought out students, and invited a student to quit, after having participated in SVT Gävleborg where they talked about the situation at the school.

"Is it legal?"

In the report, the student who was forced to quit asked if it was legal to seek anonymous interviewees and punish them for using their constitutional freedom of expression.

Free school - no authority

However, the Chancellor of Justice, who is responsible for investigating violations of the Freedom of Expression bases implemented in public operations, decides not to initiate a preliminary investigation.

In his statement, JK writes that: “The independent school to which the application refers is not, however, any authority or other public body. The investigation ban and reprisal ban in the Statement of Freedom of Expression are thus not applicable to the notified act. "