Researchers in Sweden have decided to stop a study on the start of birth procedures in cases of long pregnancy, before the end of the scheduled study.

This came after the birth of five dead children after stimulation of labor pains and start birth, after their mothers reached the 42nd week of pregnancy, while a sixth child died immediately after birth, according to the British Journal of Medical Journal on Thursday.

The study was suspended for ethical reasons, said Brett Wiener-Holm, chief researcher at the Swedish University of Göteborg.

Despite the need to be cautious in interpreting the study's findings, the researchers recommend that, due to complications, they recommend that Swedish hospitals offer the opportunity to initiate accelerated delivery procedures in pregnant women after reaching week 41, rather than week 42.

According to the researchers' estimates, starting birth after 41 weeks could save one child's life in every 230 pregnancies.

Sarah Kenyon of the University of Birmingham wrote that the 41-week option seems to be the safest alternative for women and their children.

The researchers examined 2,760 pregnant women, in 14 gynecological and obstetric departments, after their pregnancy lasted almost 41 weeks between 2016 and 2018.

The women were divided into two groups, with one of them initiating procedures to accelerate childbirth within the 24 hours following the 41st week, while they began stimulating the shot with the second group after completing the 42nd week.

The six women whose children died were among the women in the placebo group, and there were no deaths in the placebo group.

The researchers had originally planned to examine 10,000 pregnant women, Wiener Holm told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that delivery be started when pregnancy is 41 weeks old. In Sweden, labor is stimulated in the long pregnancy during the 42nd week, until the end, which is the same as in Britain.

In most Swedish hospitals, shots are routinely stimulated at week 42, ”Wiener Holm said.