• Regionals, today on Rousseau the vote for M5s in Emilia and Calabria


21 November 2019

"I usually prefer not to vote but ask the Movement what direction to take." This was stated by Luigi Di Maio to 'La aria che pull' on La7, answering the question of whether he had already voted on the Rousseau platform for the question on the Regionals. "The men alone in command become balloons that then burst. I believe that important decisions must be taken with the members", the minister added.

"I always made the biggest mistakes when I decided on my own," he explained. "As a political leader - he added - I try to vote as little as possible to avoid taking part".

It takes time for the general states
"If we introduce ourselves now we will not have time to have the general states to create a solid organization" of the 5 Star Movement, said Di Maio again, answering a question about the possibility that the 5 stars appear in Emilia Romagna and Calabria. "We need the general states, it takes 3-4 months at least to define the objectives of the next 10 years".

No one in the M5s wants to go with the PD
In the M5S "nobody wants to go with the Democratic Party on that territory, we want to introduce ourselves alone" he added about the regional ones.

Grillo and I decide on Rousseau
Deciding whether to proceed with a vote on Rousseau on an important topic "it's me and Grillo". When asked if they felt therefore before deciding on the vote on Emilia Romagna, Di Maio replied: "There are phones".

The vote on Rousseau
The question is not, tout court, whether or not to participate in the regional elections, on the basis, as explained in these days by the leaders of the Movement, of the actual 'readiness' or 'maturity'. In fact, it is a matter of deciding whether M5s will participate in the Regionals in Emilia-Romagna and Calabria but the ratio of online consultation is defined by the Blog delle Stelle announcing that "from 12.00 to 20.00 today, Thursday 21 November, the members of the 5-star movement are called to vote on the Rousseau platform to decide whether the 5-star movement should observe an electoral pause until March to prepare the States General by not taking part in the January elections in Emilia-Romagna and Calabria ". Following what happened in the past - and with a sort of mirror effect between the vote and its effect, at least if we evaluate the impact of the online vote on the administrative test - we specify that "by voting yes", the member chooses to pause election not participating in the above elections ", while" voting no, the member chooses not to take the electoral break by participating in the above elections ".

As usual, the Blog reminds you that only registered users can vote for at least six months, with a certified document, as per the Statute, and that each member can verify their enrollment status "by logging in and checking the colored sticker next to the name, in top right: if the sticker is green the user is certified and qualified to vote ". The regularity of the vote, also in this case, "will be certified by a notary, and the results will be deposited with two notaries".

The controversy: the online vote mortifies the parliamentarians of Calabria
"The online vote that Luigi Di Maio asked members on the Rousseau platform to decide whether to present lists in Calabria in the next regional elections mortifies us parliamentarians and the work we have done in the frantic search for an authoritative candidate to run for president." The M5s deputy, Massimo Misiti, said in a statement. "Let's say it with extreme frankness: we are going through - continues Misiti - a difficult moment. A period of identity crisis that made it difficult to identify a prominent figure able, in Calabria, to interpret the spirit and ideas of the Movement. we succeeded, delegating to the members of all Italy a political decision of this value relative to our territory, is tantamount to disregarding the role that the members themselves and the Calabrian voters have attributed to us when they decided to send us to Parliament as their spokesman " .

"It is inadmissible - the parliamentary still maintains - to think that those who do not live in Calabria, those who do not know our reality can decide, with an online vote, whether or not they can participate in administrative consultations. We have a duty to participate in the Calabrese electoral competition "Even if this means risking something. Battles must be fought, if you believe in what you are fighting for. Otherwise you risk passing for cowards. And we are not".