Loyalty to Eid

Turkish cosmetologist Bilgin Erinoglu was explaining to the 40-year-old sitting in front of her how to inject her collagen and cheeks under her collagen: `` Minutes and we're done.

Collagen injections are a non-surgical technique that has recently become common to fill subcutaneous voids caused by wrinkles with age.

What collagen?
Erinoglu explains that collagen is a protein in the skin, muscles, blood, bones and ligaments that is essential for its protection.

Usually, our bodies produce collagen on a regular basis, but as people get older and exposed to sunlight and other factors such as smoking, the secretion of collagen decreases.

According to the Turkish cosmetologist, this means that the skin will lose its elasticity, and therefore wrinkles begin to appear early.

Therefore, Erinoglu advises visitors to her clinic in Istanbul to re-inject collagen every six months to enjoy a youthful and radiant skin.

Turkish cosmetologist Bilgin Erinoglu explains the importance of collagen injections

Ways to get collagen
The Turkish doctor believes that the best way to increase collagen is by injecting into the skin.

The Lebanese specialist in dermatology and cosmetology, Dr. Constantine Habr, believes that the best way to increase is by taking collagen pills or collagen syrup concentrate.

He stresses in his talk to the island Net that the most appropriate age to start taking collagen is 25 years, as wrinkles begin to appear gradually from this age because of the low proportion of collagen, which in turn turns the skin from a thick layer to thin.

But is it enough to take collagen to avoid the appearance of signs of aging? The Lebanese doctor answers that this alone is not enough even if we start from an early age.

Daily collagen intake should be accompanied by good facial washing, sunscreen and moisturizer, as well as antioxidants such as vitamins C and EA.

The young Lebanese Farah Ali constantly follows the advice of Dr. Constantine, known as "DR.COSTI" on Instagram.

She says she has been taking collagen pills since she was 27 and is trying daily to eat antioxidant foods like carrots, oranges and legumes.

This will not stop the appearance of wrinkles in her skin, the young Farah learns this, but it will delay her appearance as the Lebanese doctor confirms.

Farah believes that talk about collagen has increased recently after many influencers and celebrities on social media talk about the benefits of health and skin.

Lebanese specialist in dermatology and cosmetology Constantine Haber advises the use of collagen (Al Jazeera)

Can men take collagen?
In turn, Lebanese dietician Temara Awad explains that drinking collagen powder is the best way, because the body absorbs it faster.

"Just as collagen is necessary for women, it is essential for men as well, especially since few men in the Arab world pay attention to their skin and bodies like women. This protein helps to increase muscle size as well as relieve joint pain."

The benefits of taking collagen for the skin
The benefits of collagen for the skin as summarized by Dr. Scott Sorez can be described as:

Delaying signs of aging: A study last year showed that women who committed to taking hydrolyte collagen regularly for eight weeks had a 20% reduction in wrinkles.

Increased skin elasticity: Because the additional collagen obtained by the body can help it to improve the process of production of the product of collagen, which is important for the production of collagen in the body, according to the same study.

Promote the production of proteins that help build skin cells: including elastin and fibrin.

Lebanese dietitian Temara Awad talks about collagen and explains that drinking collagen powder is the best way to take it.

The body makes collagen when it combines amino acids and nutrients obtained from eating foods rich in protein, such as beef, chicken, eggs, fish, beans and dairy products, or from foods rich in vitamin C, which is available in citrus fruits, red and green peppers, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and broccoli.