The bear attack in Orsa Predator Park occurred on a Friday morning, summer 2017. A foreign child family with two children under the age of ten visited the brown bear's fence along with an 18-year-old summer worker - to learn more about the caretaker's job.

The bear must have dug into the fence where the group was and went to attack.

"I have today brought charges against two people for work environment crimes including causing death to another, serious crime and for work environment crime involving causing danger to another," said chamber prosecutor Gunnar Jonasson at the National Unit for Environmental and Work Environment Goals in Stockholm, in a press release.

"There have been shortcomings"

According to Gunnar Jonasson, there were deficiencies in the zoo's work environment and safety work which, if remedied, could have prevented the tragic event.

The feasibility study, which covers more than 2,600 pages, has taken a long time to complete and close to 50 people have been heard. The Prosecutor claims that Orsa Predator Park's operators must be fined a company fine of at least SEK 8 million.

Begins this spring

The main hearing is expected to begin in late spring 2020 and will last for about four weeks.

The text is updated.