National Resident Azumi vs. Chairman “Unreasonable voting does not fit in the constitutional discussion” 19 November 15:32

Regarding the fact that the Liberal Democratic Party wants to vote for the amendment of the referendum law at the House of Representatives Constitution Review Committee, the chairman of the Constitutional Democratic Party's response to the National Assembly for Residents of the Constitution says that trying to do it doesn't fit in the discussion of the Constitution. Showed a cautious attitude.

The Liberal Democratic Party wants to hold a constitutional review board of the House of Representatives on the 21st to discuss and vote on the draft revision of the referendum law, but the constitutional Democratic Party will give priority to discussions on the regulation of television advertisements etc. accompanying referendum Requests and discussions continue.

Concerning this, the chairman of the Constitutional Democratic Party's response to the National Assembly of the National Residents' Assembly said, “I think that the Liberal Democratic Party has been strongly demanding to vote for the amendment of the referendum law, and that there will be considerable tension, but the opposition parties are united and united. I want to respond. "

On top of that, Mr. Yasuzumi said, “It is not easy to proceed with the discussion, but it is a half-finished situation, and trying to force the voting does not fit into the constitutional discussion,” showing a cautious attitude toward voting. It was.